Improving my blog using AI - Part 2 - Images Over time, I've realized that my blog's front page looked a tad dull due to the absence of header images for some of the older posts. Hence, I decided to put AI-powered image generation platforms, DALL-E 2 and Midjourney, to the test. While DALL-E 2 offered some promising results, Midjourney stole the show with aesthetically pleasing images, despite the lack of API support and strict rules against automation. Despite these limitations, I managed to generate and download quality images from Midjourney, revamping my blog's appearance and learning a lot in the process. 27 May 2023
Grunt and Liquibase Exploring node.js and its associated tools, I've been intrigued by Grunt, dubbed as 'The JavaScript Task Runner'. Amid building a project, I wanted to integrate Liquibase - a useful database schema management tool we used in developing Despite the lack of a Grunt plugin or a Node module for Liquibase, I've managed to get it operational with Grunt using grunt-shell. The next step is to package Liquibase into a formal Grunt task and streamline database settings loading. 06 February 2014