ESP32-S3: Which Pins Should I Use? As an enthusiast of the ESP32-S3's versatility, I recognized the importance of understanding which pins are best to avoid. Inspired by the Random Nerds page for the classic ESP32, I've created a comprehensive pinout for the ESP32-S3 available on GitHub. The community's input is highly valued – suggestions and corrections are welcome to refine this resource into a dynamic guide for developers. 21 November 2023
A Public GitHub Repo != A Support Contract As a developer frequently publishing code snippets on GitHub, I'm finding an increasing amount of my time being demanded for support and fixes. The reality is, I don't always have the time or resources to provide the help that each user deserves. 'Cloners beware' has become my motto as I try to remind others that using a public GitHub repo does not come with guarantees or warranties. Please remember, I'm a human with my own responsibilities and projects too. 06 February 2023
Getting started with Box2D Just gave a enlightening talk on Box2D at the LiDG and have prepared a step-by-step walkthrough on creating a simple pinball game using the open sourced 2D physics engine! You'll learn the concepts of Body, Shape, Friction, etc. as well as how to build and run the Box2D engine for iPhone. By the end of the blog, you'll be equipped to create a basic working game in a couple of 100 lines of code! Don't forget to check out my slides and demos linked in the blog! 04 March 2010