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Learn about converting a schematic to a PCB and starting the layout process in this detailed step-by-step video. Watch as the components are laid out, the output stage and power regulator are wired, and the indicator LEDs are set up. Discover how to order partially assembled PCBs and calculate the manufacturing cost.

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[0:00] Hello YouTubers! I’ve made some tweaks to the schematic from the previous video.
[0:07] I’ve added some screw terminals for the LED outputs and I’ve also changed some of
[0:14] the pin assignments so they don’t conflict with SPI and I2C pins. I
[0:20] think this schematic is good to go so we’ll convert this to a PCB and start
[0:27] the layout process. So here’s all our components. Our PCB size is going to
[0:37] be constrained pretty much by the screw terminals and the header pins so what
[0:44] I’ll do to begin with is just lay out the components in the general area that
[0:49] they’ll end up in in the fully routed PCB.
[1:10] That’s our components pretty much laid out in their final positions.
[1:18] I’m going to do a ground pour of copper on the bottom and top of the board so for
[1:25] now I’ll just switch off the ground net so it makes it easier to see what we’re doing.
[1:30] I think we are now ready to layout the output stage so let’s start wiring it up.
[1:56] Now we can move on to the power regulator which supplies the 3.3 volt supply to the ESP 32
[2:06] Finally, we can wire up the GPIO pins to our headers and also wire up the
[2:14] indicator LEDs for TX/RX and the power supplies.
[2:30] We need to route our 5 volt supply out to one of our header pins and also
[2:37] to the top end of the MOSFETS for driving the LEDs
[2:47] That’s all the routing then we need to set a board outline now and also do
[2:55] our pours of copper for the ground planes so we’ll do that next.
[3:10] That’s our PCB all laid out all our DRC checks pass and all our nets are connected.
[3:17] We can now go and generate the Gerber file and submit it to JLPCB for manufacture.
[3:28] We can put some options in for how many boards we want.
[3:34] The board thickness we want and we can see we get an approximate quote.
[3:38] So for these boards it will be $4 to manufacture them so let’s submit this order to JLPCB
[3:46] and get a complete quote for SMT assembly.
[3:54] Here we are in JLPCB. We’re just uploading our Gerber file
[4:01] and you can see a preview of it.
[4:05] We’ll have a two layer board let’s work out the dimensions we’ll just
[4:11] order five PCBs. We’ll stick with one point six so the thickness use green.l
[4:18] Use all the defaults for copper weight.
[4:20] We don’t need fingers. Default material type and we don’t need panelisation,
[4:23] We don’t need castellated holes and we only have one design.
[4:30] We’ll let them keep their order number if you choose not to have it then you get
[4:35] charged extra. so we went through that.
[4:39] What we will do is turn on SMT assembly
[4:42] We need to assemble the topside you can order two or five SMT assembled
[4:50] boards and will allow JLPCB to decide where to put the tooling holes
[4:58] We could define this ourselves but easier just let them do it.
[5:05] Now we need need to add BOM file (the Bill Of Materials).
[5:08] So we return to EasyEDA and we go and export our BOM.
[5:15] So, export the bomb to an excel file.
[5:22] And then we need to add the CPL file so
[5:25] So we go back to EasyEDA and switch to the PCB view.
[5:30] And we save our pick and place file.
[5:35] So export that as well.
[5:39] Now back on JLPCB we can add those two files to our order.
[5:49] So you can see it has analyzed our BOM file and it’s matched the components
[5:55] up to their parts list and they’ve confirmed that they’re the correct ones
[6:00] and they’ve given us an approximate price for the components.
[6:12] Down the bottom here we have the parts that they won’t be doing for us so the ESP32 module.
[6:18] and the header pins and the screw terminals.
[6:22] These components we’ll have to source and solder ourselves.
[6:27] So we hit next.
[6:31] Now we have a preview of where our parts will be placed.
[6:36] Then we can hit save to cart and order this PCB.
[6:40] You can see our total cost is going to be 14 pounds.
[6:46] So in a couple of weeks or hopefully in less time
[6:49] maybe in a week we should get a partially assembled PCB
[6:54] with the SMT components mounted and all we need to do is manually solder the
[6:59] through-hole components and the ESP32 WROOM module.
[7:04] So I hope you enjoyed this video
[7:07] I’ve certainly enjoyed making it and if you did enjoy it please hit the
[7:11] subscribe button because there’ll be more videos coming.
[7:15] Thanks for watching and see you in the next video

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Chris Greening

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A collection of slightly mad projects, instructive/educational videos, and generally interesting stuff. Building projects around the Arduino and ESP32 platforms - we'll be exploring AI, Computer Vision, Audio, 3D Printing - it may get a bit eclectic...

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