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So I just unboxed a nifty gift from Secure - the HT140 solder tweezers, and they're super impressive! They heat up to 300°C super fast, thanks to the 65-watt power delivery. I tried desoldering components on a Pico board - despite being a bit tricky with non-leaded solder, they worked great after a bit of flux and temperature adjustments. These tweezers are definitely going to be a handy addition for reworking my PCBs. Big thanks to Sequre!

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[0:00] so I got sent this free gift from um
[0:02] secure secure secure I think it’s secure
[0:06] let’s go with secure that sounds most
[0:08] sensible so let’s see what we’ve
[0:14] got nice flexible USB
[0:19] cable we have some instructions I will
[0:23] uh have a look at
[0:25] those and what we actually have is this
[0:28] nice
[0:30] HT140 solder tweezers so let’s do the old
[0:34] um peel very
[0:36] nice and we have a 65 wat um power
[0:41] supply we’ll have a look at that um in a
[0:43] bit and a UK adapter so I guess this
[0:46] just uh slides on there we go and we
[0:50] have this little stand so uh let’s get
[0:53] that out and um can move this nice case
[0:57] out the way
[1:02] I’ll get this stand assembled so one
[1:04] moment so these tiny grub screws for
[1:07] holding the um the tweezer end points in
[1:11] so I think I need to do a bit of
[1:12] adjustment let’s try and try not to lose
[1:15] this so I’ll put these back in the Roy
[1:18] bag I guess they Supply extra ones
[1:20] because they are so small and you could
[1:22] lose them so let’s put those safe and
[1:26] I’m looking at these
[1:27] tweezers and I think I probably need to
[1:29] adjust adjust them so that they come
[1:32] together so let’s have a look at how to
[1:35] do that so I have currently got 300 pcbs
[1:39] on order with the great guys at PCB way
[1:41] you can find a link to them in the
[1:42] description I’ve been using them for my
[1:44] es32 rainbow project uh check that out
[1:47] on crowd Supply fingers crossed I won’t
[1:50] need to use these tweezers to fix any of
[1:51] my mistakes so I think that looks pretty
[1:54] good so I think that’s right um let’s
[1:58] plug it in and uh see how much power it
[2:00] draws so the stand’s quite neat just uh
[2:04] do that and our tweezers stay nicely
[2:07] secure and then we can put them out by
[2:09] just um pushing them together so that
[2:11] seems to work quite nicely um so let’s
[2:14] plug this in so it does have a DC jack
[2:17] as well as a USBC so let’s plug in the
[2:20] USBC and I’ll use my USB test out to see
[2:23] what it’s um how much current it’s
[2:26] drawing around I got this the wrong way
[2:29] around
[2:30] right me coming through my power now
[2:34] this should be going into the
[2:36] tweezers so where my thing stuck in
[2:38] detect mode so’s wait for it to finish
[2:40] detecting so my power supply does all
[2:42] sorts of um power up to 20 volts qc2
[2:46] kind of doing 5 volts nor attempts let’s
[2:49] plug the tweezers
[2:52] in
[2:55] and my detector’s turned itself
[2:58] off spting that
[3:01] interesting oh
[3:04] okay cool that worked um slightly
[3:07] confusing so it’s
[3:09] uh 20 volts not bad it’s drawing the
[3:12] maximum power and uh you can see here we
[3:16] have 19.8 volts 3 amps I hope you can
[3:20] see that let bring that up and see if we
[3:23] can
[3:25] focus so there we go and if we um hit
[3:29] this button
[3:31] you should yeah so that’s uh up and down
[3:35] we hold this
[3:36] button turned
[3:39] on do 19 volts and we’ve hit 300° C
[3:44] already so it’s already
[3:47] um gone back to drawing not as much of
[3:50] amps so at 3 amps and it’s up to 300
[3:55] that’s that was remarkably fast so
[3:57] that’s not bad very fast
[4:00] um so that’s using my power supply uh
[4:02] let’s give let’s give their power supply
[4:04] crit go and see what that does it’s
[4:06] supposed to be a 65 watt so 20 volts
[4:09] again brilliant and um if we hit
[4:14] the start
[4:18] button there we go up to 300 already so
[4:21] it gets up to uh 300 degrees C pretty
[4:25] quickly that’s pretty impressive not bad
[4:27] at all so um really really takes
[4:30] advantage of uh Power delivery for
[4:33] maximum power so that’s that’s really
[4:35] amazing um I think we should give this a
[4:37] go shouldn’t we let’s uh let’s try
[4:40] desoldering some components using these
[4:42] tweezers um I’m quite excited by this
[4:45] fantastic so uh I’ve got a p Pico board
[4:48] here that I uh recently destroyed or
[4:52] killed at doing some experimenting uh
[4:55] let’s just try disordering some of the
[4:57] tiny components on this one so I can see
[4:59] a particular really tiny one there
[5:01] that’ll be interesting and some slightly
[5:02] larger ones there so what I’ll do is
[5:04] I’ll just um I will just squirt on a bit
[5:07] of flux to
[5:09] help and let’s give it a go so I’ve got
[5:13] my tweezers um they do go after
[5:16] temperature really nice and quick so
[5:19] let’s give this a go this is my first
[5:21] attempt at doing something like this so
[5:23] bear with me yeah we can see the little
[5:25] tweezers that’s good in we go
[5:30] now then am I getting the right angle
[5:33] now of course these boards don’t have
[5:34] leaded solder which does always make
[5:36] this more
[5:37] tricky so we could actually feed on some
[5:40] leaded solda oh there we go well there
[5:43] we go that’s uh that’s
[5:46] removed that was I think I was going the
[5:48] wrong angle to begin with let’s see if I
[5:50] can
[5:50] actually there you go that’s that tiny
[5:52] component um can just about see that on
[5:56] on the black surface y there you get get
[5:58] off get off
[6:02] okay so yeah right let go right let’s
[6:06] try again let’s try another one let’s
[6:08] try this slightly larger
[6:13] one oh that’s much better yeah I think
[6:16] we got the right temperature now well I
[6:18] mean they certainly seem to work um this
[6:20] will definitely be useful for doing um
[6:22] removing components and stuff let’s do
[6:24] some of these larger
[6:27] components yeah there we go that works
[6:29] really well
[6:31] so does get stuck on the tweezers but uh
[6:34] yeah that works nicely so it’s still
[6:36] there get off let’s work along these
[6:38] components and then just remove them all
[6:40] so need to turn our turn our temperature
[6:44] back up does go into idle mode quite
[6:47] quickly we could probably tune that in
[6:48] the
[6:50] settings so come in yeah okay I think
[6:54] I’ve got this
[6:57] now I think before had slightly the
[7:00] temperature set so it wasn’t quite quite
[7:02] working as well as it could yeah there
[7:05] we go that works really
[7:12] nicely oh that can mush e here yeah a
[7:14] bit of flux to help the temperature have
[7:17] some of these tiny ones here let’s try
[7:21] them yeah very
[7:23] good I quite like these these are very
[7:25] handy very good it does go into idle
[7:28] mode quite quickly
[7:30] um but you can just click the button and
[7:33] it comes out of idle mode so there we go
[7:36] yeah much easier in we
[7:40] out we’re moving these fantastically
[7:43] easily
[7:44] so yeah not bad I quite like these these
[7:47] a good addition to the uh to the kit um
[7:52] through very handy when I have to
[7:53] inevitably rework my pcbs um which is
[7:58] quite often CU do tend to make a lot of
[8:01] mistakes so yeah thank you very much
[8:04] from secure for the tweezers are pretty
[8:07] link to these in the description um yeah
[8:10] they seem to work really well

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Chris Greening

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